How food and water are driving a 21st-century African land grab
    An Observer investigation reveals how rich countries faced by a global food shortage now farm an area double the size of the UK to guarantee supplies for their citizens
    • The Guardian
    • 07 Mar 2010
    Saudi to phase out water intensive crops
    Saudi Arabia plans to phase out production of water intensive crops such as wheat, soybeans and animal fodder. "It would be best to grow these kinds of crops outside Saudi Arabia," says the kingdom's water and electricity minister.
    • Al Arabiya
    • 07 November 2009
    "Madagascar ne doit pas vendre son eau douce"
    Le parti vert malgache n'est pas contre l'accès à la terre des étrangers, mais il faut que l'Etat s'occupe des Malgaches d'abord.
    • Courrier International
    • 02 October 2009
    The worldwide grab of farmland and water resources
    Together with GMO, the land grab wave that is spreading across Africa and other countries in the "developing world" should be brought to the attention of all interested Ghanaians. It is important for Ghanaians to avoid falling for it.
    • Ghana News
    • 27 June 2009
    Il n’y a pas que les vaches qui rient
    Dans tout le flou et le vague qui règnent autour du projet Daewoo, il y avait au moins une certitude : les Sud-coréens se proposaient de louer des terres qui seraient restées à Madagascar. L’eau de Faraony quant à elle, quittera bel et bien la Grande Ile, et en grande quantité.
    • 22 June 2009
    IISD: A thirst for distant lands
    "A Thirst for Distant Lands: Foreign investment in agricultural land and water" provides a synopsis of current trends in the expansion of foreign investment in agriculture.
    • International Institute for Sustainable Development
    • 20 May 2009
    Malaysia's global oil palm rainforest land grab just the beginning of larger land and water scarcity issues
    Over-developed, over-populated, and land and water scarce Asian and Middle East nations embark upon global land grab to produce food and agrofuels; threatening global human rights, rainforest and other natural ecosystems, and regional and global ecological sustainability. Deadly global ecological issues require global citizens to unite in escalating protest action!
    • Ecological Internet
    • 13 May 2009
    The next big thing: H2O
    Water is the new gold, and a few savvy countries and companies are already banking on it.
    • Foreign Policy
    • 19 April 2009
    Water: Sin aqua non
    THE overthrow of Madagascar’s president in mid-March was partly caused by water problems — in South Korea.
    • The Economist
    • 08 April 2009
    All hands to the pumps
    Are there any answers to this looming crisis? Some countries are buying land. There is vague talk about governments introducing “water management reforms”. Even more opaquely, there are calls for “multi-country discussions on trans-boundary issues, international trade and investment flows”.
    • Planning Resource
    • 19 Mar 2009
    Water calculus steers farming in Arab nations
    Global food shortages have placed the Middle East and North Africa in a quandary, as they are forced to choose between growing more crops to feed an expanding population or preserving their already scant supply of water.
    • New York Times
    • 20 July 2008
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